Zodiacal Releasing is an astrological timing technique uncovered by second century Hellenistic Astrologer, Vettius Valens (120 - 175 CE) from an unknown Egyptian source. The technique utilizes data in the natal chart of an individual to determine certain overarching themes in the life that will be prevalent or “activated” over periods and sub-periods several years in duration. The Lot of Fortune and the Lot of Spirit are points in the natal chart calculated by the relationship of the natal Sun, Moon and Ascendant. The Lot of Fortune, and the periods of release involved with it dictate the energetic factors of the period conducive to manifestation. The Lot of Spirit (or Lot of Daemon) and its time periods characterize the spiritual volition of the individual and its focal points of activity within certain time frames. Other Lots can be determined by calculations related to other planets, such as the Lot of Eros which references the position of Venus.
Zodiacal releasing is so complex and, at times, seemingly arbitrary in its operations. Yet the powerful predictive information yielded by the technique is mysteriously accurate. The following is an examination on why and how the mechanics of the technique operate effectively.
In Hermetic Qabalah, derived from many of the same sources as much Hellenistic Astrological Material:
The Solar Sphere is the Essential Spiritual Core, the individual will in its most pure or sovereign form of expression.
The Lunar Sphere represents the “field” through which all celestial impulses must pass through, or be filtered, before they can take form on the physical plane. “Psychosomatic” ( Richard Tarnas) is an apt descriptor for this as it unites the abstract with the physical. However, though it is formative, it is not physical in the purest sense.
The Earthly Sphere at the base of the Qabalistic Tree of Life represents the realm of matter. It is intrinsically linked to the Moon, and the Sun also, but distinct. It is a concentrated version of them, encompassing several combinations of the planetary and celestial influences in actualized forms.
These meanings can be comfortably grafted onto the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant in the Astrological schema.
In Hermetic and Platonic thinking, “Daemon” is the celestial entity which has incarnated into the physical realm to exert its potentiality through the life of the native. Ultimately this potential must be realized in the physical world through the agency of the Ascendant – the incarnate vehicle of the nativity.
The “Lot of Daemon” is distinct from the Sun, because it denotes how the Solar Impulse will exert its energies within the complex of the Lunar Field and the Materiality of the Ascendant. It is dependent upon both, thus accounting for its mode of calculation.
The “Lot of Fortune” extends from the significations of the Natal Moon to denote the field or environment through which the impulses of Daimon must take shape – for example through the emotions, psychological conditions, relationship networks, environmental circumstances, material resources available in the immediate realm of probability. But it is still probable, abstract in a certain sense, not quite material without the physical agency of the Ascendant. In this way, the Lot of Fortune manifests as an external or environmental “field.”
The natal placements of the Lots will inform the quality and province of their expression. Their periods of release will be informed by the natal condition of their Domicile Lord of the sign of release as well as the angular activity to that sign. The houses angular from Natal Fortune would therefore be charged with a kind of static (or “music” – Aland White) that would enhance the environmental/psychosomatic probability and tonality of release. But this would not deprive houses of different modalities of their Natal or Timing significance.
The Interplay of the simultaneous releasing of both Lots, plus the Annual Profections derived from the Ascendant, together designate the general fertility and quality of experience for the chain of reactions to manifest on the material plane through chronological stages.
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