Ritual Magic is an evolutionary tool whereby human consciousness may more deeply comprehend its relationship to an intelligent and responsive cosmos to which it is intrinsically connected. 

During historical eras where fear, fundamentalism, and pressures of conformity rage most viciously - magic thrives.  The inadequacies of the consensus and the threats against personal values and volition compel the psyche toward greater reaches both inner and outer. Conveniently, the recent translation of magical texts into English such as Picatrix as well as much Alexandrian astrological material have significantly sophisticated occult practice into a new era. 

Picatrix is an eleventh century Arabic grimoire of astrological magic. The text was influential in philosophy, art, architecture, and esotericism during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods. Its practices informed the construction of Rome, Venice, Milan, London, and later New York and Washington. 

In subsequent esoteric movements such as Theosophical and the Golden Dawn 

currents, traces of its influence may be subtly detected. However, formal in-depth practices of its methods by the non-patrician classes are a novel phenomenon.

The Lunar Mansions, a division of the Zodiac into 28 sectors wherein the moon may draw forth spiritual agencies inherent to certain Fixed Stars, familiar to Western occultists through the Books of Agrippa, are compellingly elaborated in Picatrix

In this scheme, each Mansion houses a particular spirit whose capacities may be 

enshrined into objects by the ritual construction of particular images congruent with that Mansion. Certain astrological conditions are required for this process as well as precise timing and the suffumigation of incense proper to each. 

Working with these methods as an astrologer, magician, and artist has enhanced understanding of the potency of particular moments in time and the emblematic power of image. Furthermore, insight into the creative act as a life-giving process bringing into existence a form endowed with the quality and power of its moment of inception have provided a deeper metaphysical understanding. Just as each 

individual embodies the astrological conditions of one’s day, time, and hour of birth - so does a talisman contrived by magical device. Co-creation in accord with the cosmos is to be understood as the boon and responsibility of every human. 

The following demonstrates talismans of my construction and consecration along with their nature and function:


xi. al-zubrah

The Lion’s Mane


A man astride a lion with a lance in his right hand while clutching the lion’s ear in his left.

This mansion bears the significations of the second decan of Leo ruled over by Jupiter, as well as the Six of Wands of the Tarot deck. It enhances the capacity for victory, strong alliances, commanding presence, and prestige. 

spirit of the mansion:



xviii. al-qalib

The Heart of the Scorpion


An adder with its tail raised above its head.

This mansion bears the significations of the middle sector of Scorpio dealing in the distillation of poisons, dissolution through erotic union, and transformation through alchemy. It can be used to cure ailments of the bowels, skin, and urinary tract - as well as in the transmutation of emotional pain. 

spirit of the mansion:



ii. al-butain

The Little Belly


a crowned king bearing a scepter.

This mansion bears the significations of the second decan of Aries ruled over by Mars and Sol, as well as the Three of Wands of the Tarot deck. It empowers wise sovereignty, leadership, good 

judgment. When the moon is waning in this mansion it quells anger and protects from wrath.  

spirit of the mansion:



v. al hakah

The White Spot


a head without a body

This mansion is situated in the final degrees of Gemini, dealing with discernment and selection after the integration of opposing polarities with which Gemini is concerned. Its implications are Saturnian, Solomonic. It grants intelligence, wisdom, success in scholarly ventures, metaphysical understanding.  

spirit of the mansion:



xv. al-ghafr

The Scribe


A man with many scrolls who is writing letters.

This mansion is situated at the hem of the garments of Virgo and is rife with the significations of Mercury. It is beneficial for trade, commerce, communication, eloquence, public relations, and the  discovery of secrets or treasures. 

spirit of the mansion:



Al Hakim, Ghayat. Picatrix: The Goal of the Wise Vol 1 & 2, Ouroboros Press, Seattle WA 2007

Butler, Ryhan. Lunar Mansions, medievalastrologyguide.com

Coppock, Austin. 36 Faces, Three Hands Press, Contra Costa, CA 2016

Ovason, David. The Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital, Harper Collins NY 2000

Quinlan-McGrath, Mary. Influences: Art, Optics, and Astrology in the Italian 

Renaissance, University of Chicago Press 2013

Warnock, Christopher. Mansions of the Moon, Renaissance Astrology, 

Washington DC 2019